Isabella’s Imprint On My Life

Born Isabella Maria Shinn on September 26th, 2004 was a girl who will be remembered forever. I met Isabella my Sophomore year of high school attending Archbishop Wood. Her bright smile and contagious laugh is what drew me to befriending her. As I sit here and write this, I am blessed to have made the choice to become friends with her. If you knew Isabella, you know that there was never a dull moment. Whether it was dancing to music in the car with the windows down, or simply just in school. My Sophomore year, I transferred schools, but right before I met my angel on Earth, Izzy.

I struggled through the first three months of school that year, especially through the end of October, beginning of November. I met Izzy Homecoming night and became friends with her instantly. I would turn to Izzy through moments of doubt in life and concerns I had about myself. She was always there to give advice or even just be an ear to listen. November 1st, 2021 I attempted to take my own life. Soon after, Izzy and many other of my supporters pushed me to get the help I needed and that's just what I did. I lost all contact with people from my old school, sadly including Izzy. I would speak to her once in a while but never like I use to.

On December 6th, 2022 I got a call I would never saw coming. Isabella got hit by a car, and suddenly passed away. I always thought to myself, the girl that saved me from dying ended up dying or that I should have been the one there not her. As I went to celebrate her life, I was numb. I could not cry or feel anything, and I felt extremely guilty from this. I tried dealing with this tragedy in my life but even still till this day I struggle. As a received a video of us dancing in the car, I felt a flood of emotions. Guilt flooded my mind and I turned to my Mom for advice. “God called her home. Her work here was finished, don’t be upset that you still live, live for her because I know she lives through out you”, my Mom said to me and that is the truth. God called her home, her job on Earth was finished. Even though it might sadden her friends and family, it is important for us to keep her spirit alive.

Her physical life may have ended, but her spirit will live in infamy. As she is living on through other people, she is still here with us in many ways. Her smile, kindness, and laugh is always greatly missed and will be forever. But her guidance, protection, and encouragement is still shown. Once a friend, and now my angel.


A Beautiful Light